
Goal Setting for Teenagers

Guiding Questions

How can you take more responsibility for your health and fitness? 

You can improve in your diet, and how often you exercise per week. You need to  keep yourself

What are goals?

A goal can be anything you want to achieve in the near or far future. Losing ten pounds, increasing your strength, or running a mile  in ten minutes are example of goals.

What is goal setting?

Goal setting is a plan used to achieve your desired goal.

What is the difference between long-term goals and short-term goals?

Short-term goals can usually  be done within days to weeks. Long-term goals are accomplished in moth to years. You use short-term goals to reach your long-term goals.

What are the steps necessary for successful goal setting?

The steps necessary for goal setting are listed as followed:  Desire, Belief, analyze where you are now, set realistic goals, write your goals in detail, list the benefits, list the obstacles, identify the knowledge you will need, make a plan of action, develop a time line, monitor your progress, and never give-up.  For examples about these goals, click the tab label "My Goals".